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Friday, June 24, 2011

CBSE, NCERT Class 9 Science Test Paper - 1 From Matter

M.M: 57 marks                                                                                 Dated: 24/06/2011
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Q 1: Fill in the blanks                                               (1 mark per question x 27 = 27 marks)

     i.      1 L = ____________ ml.
     ii.     1 ml = _________ cm3.
     iii.    1 L = _________ dm3.
     iv.    Early Indian philosophers classified matter in the form of five elements - ________, ___________, _______, _________ and _____________.
     v.     The S.I unit of mass is ________ and of volume is ______.
     vi.    The matter is made of _________.
     vii.    LPG stands for ________________   ______________ _____.
     viii.   CNG stands for _____________ ___________ _________.
     ix.     __________ is the ability/property to flow.
     x.      ____________ __________ is energy that is possessed by a particle due to its motion.
     xi.    The melting point of ice is ___________ K.
     xii.   The particles in water at 0C have __________ energy as compared to particles in ice at the same temperature.
     xiii.   373 K = ___________ 0C.
     xiv.   Applying pressure and reducing temperature can _______ gases.
     xv.   Solid carbon dioxide is also known as _________ ______.
     xvi.   _____________ and ____________ determine the state of  a substance, whether it will be a solid, liquid or gas.
     xvii. 1 atmosphere pressure = __________ pa.
     xviii. The atmosphere pressure at sea level is _______ atmosphere.
       xix. The phenomenon of change of a liquid into vapours at any  temperature below its boiling point is called ___________.
       xx.  ______________ is the amount of water vapour present in  the air.
      xxi. Evaporation causes ______________ (heating/ cooling/       solidification).
     xxii. During evaporation, particles from the surface acquire sufficient energy to overcome the forces of attraction present in the liquid and change its vapour state; Thus evaporation is a _____________ phenomenon.
      xxiii. During boiling, particles from the whole/bulk of the liquid changes into vapour state; Thus boiling is a __________ phenomenon.
      xxiv. ________________ is the change of gaseous state directly into solid state without going through the liquid state and vice versa.
      xxv. The forces of attraction between the particles are _______  in gases.
       xxvi. The unit if density is __________.
     xxvii.  The unit of weight is ___________.
Q 2: What is the physical state of water at 00 C and at 1000 C? Explain in brief.    (2 marks)

Q 3: Why ice at 00 C is more effective in cooling than water at the same temperature? 
(2 marks)

Q 4: Give two reasons to justify that a plastic chair at room temperature is a solid.  (2 marks)

Q 5: Are rubber band and sponge solids? Explain.                                                (2 marks)

Q 6: What are the three general states of matter? Write three differences between them.       (4 marks)

Q 7: How will you change a solid into liquid and then into gas and vice versa? Explain with the help of a labelled diagram.                                                                            (6 marks)

Q 8: Write the relationship between the rate of evaporation and                             (2 marks)

  1. humidity
  2. wind speed
Q 9: What do you understand by Plasma and BEC? Give two examples of plasma. Who invented BEC?                                                                                                 (3 marks)

Q 10: Why do we see water droplets after sometime on the outer surface of a glass containing ice-cold water?                                                                                  (2 marks)

Q 11: Define diffusion and give one real life example to show its application.          (2 marks)

Q 12: Draw a diagram and show the intermolecular arrangement of three states of matter.                                                                                                             (3 marks)

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